Set a Temperature Threshold

PATCH /thermostats/set_temperature_threshold ⇒ void

Sets a temperature threshold for a specified thermostat. Seam emits a thermostat.temperature_threshold_exceeded event and adds a warning on a thermostat if it reports a temperature outside the threshold range.


await seam.thermostats.setTemperatureThreshold({
  device_id: "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
  lower_limit_celsius: 4,
  upper_limit_celsius: 30,


// void

Authentication Methods

  • API key

  • Personal access token Must also include the seam-workspace header in the request.

Request Parameters


Type: string Required: Yes

ID of the desired thermostat device.


Type: number Required: No

Lower temperature limit in in °C. Seam alerts you if the reported temperature is lower than this value. You can specify either lower_limit but not both.


Type: number Required: No

Lower temperature limit in in °F. Seam alerts you if the reported temperature is lower than this value. You can specify either lower_limit but not both.


Type: number Required: No

Upper temperature limit in in °C. Seam alerts you if the reported temperature is higher than this value. You can specify either upper_limit but not both.


Type: number Required: No

Upper temperature limit in in °C. Seam alerts you if the reported temperature is higher than this value. You can specify either upper_limit but not both.

Return Type


Last updated

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