Comprehensive reference for integrating with Seam API endpoints
Commonly-Used Seam API Endpoints
Workspaces Retrieving workspaces and resetting sandbox workspaces
Devices Retrieving and updating devices, as well as listing device providers
Connect Webviews Creating, retrieving, and deleting Connect Webviews
Connected Accounts Retrieving connected account information, as well as updating and deleting connected accounts
Devices Retrieving and updating managed and unmanaged devices
Access Codes Creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting access codes
Locks Performing lock and unlock actions on a device, as well as retrieving locks
Events Retrieving events
Action Attempts Retrieving action attempts
Noise Sensors Creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting noise thresholds
Thermostats Retrieving, updating, and setting the current climate setting on thermostats.
Access Control Systems Retrieving access control systems (ACSs), as well as listing compatible credential manager systems
ACS Users Creating, retrieving, updating, suspending, unsuspending, and deleting ACS users, as well as adding users to and removing ACS users from access groups
ACS Entrances Retrieving entrances, as well as listing credentials with access to entrances
ACS Access Groups Retrieving ACS access groups, adding ACS users to and removing ACS users from access groups, and listing ACS users in access groups
ACS Credentials Creating, assigning, retrieving, updating, unassigning, and deleting credentials for ACS users
User Identities Creating, retrieving, and deleting user identities; adding ACS users to and removing ACS users from user identities; and listing ACS users and ACS systems associated with user identities
Enrollment Automations Launching, retrieving, and deleting enrollment automations
Last updated