Thermostat Schedules


Represents a thermostat schedule that activates a configured climate preset on a thermostat at a specified starting time and deactivates the climate preset at a specified ending time.


Format: String

Key of the climate preset to use for the thermostat schedule.


Format: Datetime

Date and time at which the thermostat schedule was created.


Format: UUID

ID of the desired thermostat device.


Format: Datetime

Date and time at which the thermostat schedule ends, in ISO 8601 format.


Format: List

Item format: Object

Errors associated with the thermostat schedule.

error_code Format: String

Unique identifier of the type of error. Enables quick recognition and categorization of the issue.

message Format: String

Detailed description of the error. Provides insights into the issue and potentially how to rectify it.


Format: Number

Number of minutes for which a person at the thermostat can change the thermostat's settings after the activation of the scheduled climate preset. See also Specifying Manual Override Permissions.


Format: String

User-friendly name to identify the thermostat schedule.


Format: Datetime

Date and time at which the thermostat schedule starts, in ISO 8601 format.


Format: UUID

ID of the thermostat schedule.


Creates a thermostat schedule for a specified thermostat.

Deletes a thermostat schedule for a specified thermostat.

Returns a specified thermostat schedule.

Returns a list of all thermostat schedules for a specified thermostat.

Updates a specified thermostat schedule.

Last updated

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