Obtain Google Nest Device Access and Commercial Development
Learn how to create a Google Nest Device Access project and apply for Google Commercial Development, which enable you to integrate your Nest thermostats with Seam.
To control Nest devices using Seam, you must first create a Google Device Access project—including an associated OAuth client—and provide information about this project to Seam through the Seam Console. We recommend that you apply for Google Commercial Development for your Nest devices.
The period of time that Google takes to approve Commercial Development may range from a week to more than a month. For more information, see Apply for Commercial Development on the Google Device Access site.
Further, once Google approves your Commercial Development application, you can gradually scale the number of managed devices as you proceed through the Google stages to reach Google certification for Commercial Production.
Google Developer Account and Rate Limits
Note the restrictive account and rate limits in the Google Device Access Sandbox environment while testing the integration with customers.
1. Start Google Device Access Project Creation
Sign in to your Google account and start the process of creating a Google Device Access Project.
If you have not yet paid the Google Developer Registration Fee (currently, US$5) to access the Google Device Access Console, perform the following steps:
Select the checkbox to agree to the Google terms of service and then click Continue to payment.
Add a credit or debit card if you have not done so already.
Click Buy.
When the purchase is complete, Google displays the Device Access Console welcome page.
Click Create project.
Type a name for your Nest development project and then click Next.
2. Create an OAuth Client
Use the Google Cloud console to create an OAuth 2.0 client and then download the associated client ID and secret.
On the Add your OAuth client ID page, click Learn more.
Google displays the Authorize an Account page in a separate browser tab or window. Do not close the original browser window or tab containing the Add your OAuth client ID page.
On the Authorize an Account page, click Google Cloud Credentials.
In the Google Cloud welcome dialog, select your country, select the checkbox to agree to the Google terms of service, and then click Agree and Continue.
On the Google Cloud Credentials page, click Create Project.
In the Google Cloud Select a resource window, click New Project.
In the Google Cloud New Project page, type a name for the new project, specify the organization and location, and then click Create.
On the Google Cloud Create OAuth client ID page, click Configure Consent Screen.
On the Google Cloud OAuth consent screen page, select the External user type and then click Create.
On the Google Cloud Edit app registration page, type the App name, User support email, and Developer Contact informationEmail addresses and then click Save and Continue.
Move to the bottom of the Google Cloud Scopes page and click Save and Continue.
On the Google Cloud Test Users page, click Add Users, add the Google account associated with a Nest thermostat as a test user, and then click Save and Continue.
It is important to remember that the initial Google Device Access Sandbox environment includes account and rate limits. Consequently, we recommend that you apply for Google Commercial Development as part of this procedure. In addition, before you obtain Google Commercial Development, you an only use the Seam API to control devices associated directly with the test user accounts that you specify on the Test Users page. For more information, see Brand-Specific Errors.
In the left navigation pane of the Google Cloud Summary page, click Credentials.
On the Google Cloud Credentials page, click Create Credentials > OAuth client ID.
On the Google Cloud Create OAuth client ID page, specify the following information:
In the Application type field, select Web application.
Type a name for the OAuth 2.0 client.
In the Authorized redirect URIs area, click Add URI and then choose one of the following two options:
At the bottom of the Google Cloud Create OAuth client ID page, click Create.
The OAuth client created dialog displays the client ID and secret for the newly-created OAuth client.
In the OAuth client created dialog, click Download JSON and then click OK.
In the OAuth 2.0 Client IDs area on the Google Cloud Credentials page, click the copy button in the row that represents the client ID that you created.
Make sure to keep this copied OAuth client ID in the clipboard. You must paste this ID into a field later in this procedure.
3. Enable the Google Smart Device Management API
To control Nest devices with the Seam API, you must enable the Google Smart Device Management API.
In the left navigation pane of the Google Credentials page, click Enabled APIs & services and then click Enable APIs and Services.
In the search box on the Google Cloud API Library welcome page, type Smart Device Management API and then press Enter.
In the search results, click Smart Device Management API.
On the Product details page for the Smart Device Management API, click Enable.
4. Complete Google Device Access Project Creation
Add the ID of the OAuth client that you created to the Google Device Access project that you are creating and then complete the project creation.
Return to the browser tab or window that contains the Add your OAuth client ID page from the beginning of this procedure.
In the Enter your OAuth client ID field, paste the copied OAuth client ID and then click Next.
On the Events page, click Enable and then click Create project.
5. Apply for Google Commercial Development
We recommend that you apply for Google Commercial Development, which enables you to control more devices. Before Google approves your Commercial Development application, you are subject to account and rate limits. Then, once Google approves your Commercial Development application, you can gradually scale the number of managed devices as you proceed through the Google stages to reach Google certification for Commercial Production.
Once you have applied for Google Commercial Development, Google reviews your application. The period of time that Google takes to approve Commercial Development may range from a week to more than a month.
It is imperative to be aware of this delay before testing your commercial application.
However, we can help you test the settings and configuration of the original test device that you added to your account at the beginning of this procedure.
On the Google project information page for your new project, click Apply for commercial development.
On the Applying for Commercial Development page, click Next.
On the Google Non-Disclosure Agreement page, type the following information:
Company Name
Developer Name
Developer Corporate Email Address
Name of Company Authorized Representative
Select the checkbox to agree to the Google Non-Disclosure Agreement and then click Next.
In the Google Commercial Development application, specify the requested information and then click Apply.
6. Provide Your Project Information to Seam through the Seam Console
In the Seam Console, add your Google Device Access project information. It is not necessary to wait for Google Commercial Development approval before adding this information in the Seam Console.
You must be the owner of your Seam workspace to perform this procedure.
Locate and note the following information:
Google Device Access project ID
Find this information on the project information page for your Google Device Access project.
OAuth client ID and secret
Find this information in the JSON file that you downloaded when creating the OAuth client earlier in this procedure.