Capability Guides 🔒 Smart LocksCreating and Managing Smart Lock Access Codes Access Code Requirements for Door Locks Learn about the specific requirements and constraints for setting access codes on door locks.
Some models of door locks have specific requirements and constraints when it comes to setting PIN codes. It's essential to be aware of these to ensure seamless functionality and security. The requirements can be fetched by making a Get Device or List Devices (or List Locks ) request.
Sample set of access code requirements:
Copy {
"device" : {
"device_id" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"capabilities_supported" : [
"access_code" ,
] ,
"properties" : {
"supported_code_lengths" : [
4 ,
5 ,
6 ,
7 ,
] ,
"max_active_codes_supported" : 250 ,
"code_constraints" : [
"constraint_type" : "no_zeros"
} ,
"constraint_type" : "name_length" ,
"min_length" : 1 ,
"max_length" : 12
] ,
"supports_backup_access_code_pool" : true
} ,
} ,
Python cURL (bash) JavaScript Ruby PHP C# Java
Copy pprint (seam.locks. get (device = "ed4bb795-f29f-43e5-bc0f-35f69f9141b5" ))
Copy Device(device_id='ed4bb795-f29f-43e5-bc0f-35f69f9141b5',
properties={'battery': {'level': 0.86, 'status': 'full'},
'battery_level': 0.86,
'code_constraints': [{'constraint_type': 'cannot_start_with_12'},
{'constraint_type': 'no_zeros'},
{'constraint_type': 'name_length',
'max_length': 20}],
'has_native_entry_events': True,
'image_alt_text': 'Nuki Smart Lock 3.0 Pro Black, Front',
'image_url': '',
'keypad_battery': {'level': 1},
'locked': False,
'manufacturer': 'nuki',
'model': {'display_name': 'Lock',
'manufacturer_display_name': 'Nuki'},
'name': 'Office Lock',
'nuki_metadata': {'device_id': '3',
'device_name': 'Office Lock',
'keypad_battery_critical': False},
'online': True,
'supported_code_lengths': [6],
'supports_backup_access_code_pool': True},
capabilities_supported=['access_code', 'lock'],
Copy # Use GET or POST.
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${API_KEY}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"device_id": "ed4bb795-f29f-43e5-bc0f-35f69f9141b5"
Copy {
"device" : {
"device_id" : "ed4bb795-f29f-43e5-bc0f-35f69f9141b5" ,
"device_type" : "nuki_lock" ,
"capabilities_supported" : [
"access_code" ,
] ,
"properties" : {
"locked" : false ,
"online" : true ,
"manufacturer" : "nuki" ,
"battery_level" : 0.86 ,
"nuki_metadata" : {
"device_id" : "3" ,
"device_name" : "Office Lock" ,
"keypad_battery_critical" : false
} ,
"keypad_battery" : {
"level" : 1
} ,
"supported_code_lengths" : [
] ,
"has_native_entry_events" : true ,
"name" : "Office Lock" ,
"model" : {
"display_name" : "Lock" ,
"manufacturer_display_name" : "Nuki"
} ,
"battery" : {
"level" : 0.86 ,
"status" : "full"
} ,
"image_url" : "" ,
"image_alt_text" : "Nuki Smart Lock 3.0 Pro Black, Front" ,
"code_constraints" : [
"constraint_type" : "cannot_start_with_12"
} ,
"constraint_type" : "no_zeros"
} ,
"constraint_type" : "name_length" ,
"max_length" : 20
] ,
"supports_backup_access_code_pool" : true
} ,
"location" : null ,
"connected_account_id" : "cac74c00-443b-440f-820e-e2907277fd9f" ,
"workspace_id" : "398d80b7-3f96-47c2-b85a-6f8ba21d07be" ,
"created_at" : "2023-10-19T04:43:40.852Z" ,
"errors" : [] ,
"warnings" : [] ,
"is_managed" : true
} ,
"ok" : true
Copy const device = await seam . devices .get ({
device_id : "ed4bb795-f29f-43e5-bc0f-35f69f9141b5"
console .log (device)
console .log ( device . properties .code_constraints)
Copy {
device_id : 'ed 4 bb 795 -f 29 f -43e5 -bc 0 f -35 f 69 f 9141 b 5 ' ,
device_type : 'nuki_lock' ,
capabilities_supported : [ 'access_code' , 'lock' ] ,
properties : {
locked : false ,
online : true ,
manufacturer : 'nuki' ,
battery_level : 0.86 ,
nuki_metadata : {
device_id : ' 3 ' ,
device_name : 'Office Lock' ,
keypad_battery_critical : false
} ,
keypad_battery : { level : 1 } ,
supported_code_lengths : [ 6 ] ,
has_native_entry_events : true ,
name : 'Office Lock' ,
model : { display_name : 'Lock' , manufacturer_display_name : 'Nuki' } ,
battery : { level : 0.86 , status : 'full' } ,
image_url : 'https: //',
image_alt_text: 'Nuki Smart Lock 3.0 Pro Black , Front',
code_constraints : [ [Object] , [Object] , [Object] ] ,
supports_backup_access_code_pool : true
} ,
location : null ,
connected_account_id : 'cac 74 c 00-443 b -440 f -820 e-e 2907277 fd 9 f' ,
workspace_id : ' 398 d 80 b 7-3 f 96-47 c 2 -b 85 a -6 f 8 ba 21 d 07 be' ,
created_at : ' 2023-10-19 T 04 : 43 : 40.852 Z' ,
errors : [] ,
warnings : [] ,
is_managed : true
{ constraint_type : 'cannot_start_with_ 12 ' } ,
{ constraint_type : 'no_zeros' } ,
{ constraint_type : 'name_length' , max_length : 20 }
Copy puts client . devices . get ( device_id: "ed4bb795-f29f-43e5-bc0f-35f69f9141b5" ) . inspect
Copy <Seam::Device:0x00438
capabilities_supported=["access_code", "lock"]
properties={"locked"=>false, "online"=>true, "manufacturer"=>"nuki", "battery_level"=>0.86, "nuki_metadata"=>{"device_id"=>"3", "device_name"=>"Office Lock", "keypad_battery_critical"=>false}, "keypad_battery"=>{"level"=>1}, "supported_code_lengths"=>[6], "has_native_entry_events"=>true, "name"=>"Office Lock", "model"=>{"display_name"=>"Lock", "manufacturer_display_name"=>"Nuki"}, "battery"=>{"level"=>0.86, "status"=>"full"}, "image_url"=>"", "image_alt_text"=>"Nuki Smart Lock 3.0 Pro Black, Front", "code_constraints"=>[{"constraint_type"=>"cannot_start_with_12"}, {"constraint_type"=>"no_zeros"}, {"constraint_type"=>"name_length", "max_length"=>20}], "supports_backup_access_code_pool"=>true}
created_at=2023-10-19 04:43:40.852 UTC
Copy use Seam \ SeamClient ;
$seam = new SeamClient ( "YOUR_API_KEY" );
$device = $seam -> devices -> get ( "0e2e6262-7f91-4970-a58d-47ef30b41e2e" ) ;
# Inspect this device to see which capabilities it supports
echo json_encode ( $device -> properties , JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ) ;
// {
// "online": true,
// "locked": false,
// "name": "Office Lock",
// "battery_level": 0.86,
// "battery": {
// "level": 0.86,
// "status": "full"
// },
// "manufacturer": "nuki",
// "supported_code_lengths": [
// 6
// ],
// "code_constraints": [
// {
// "constraint_type": "cannot_start_with_12"
// },
// {
// "constraint_type": "no_zeros"
// },
// {
// "constraint_type": "name_length",
// "max_length": 20
// }
// ],
// "model": {
// "display_name": "Lock",
// "manufacturer_display_name": "Nuki"
// },
// "image_url": "https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/devices\/nuki_smart_lock_3_pro_black.png",
// "image_alt_text": "Nuki Smart Lock 3.0 Pro Black, Front",
// "nuki_metadata": {
// "device_id": "545636389",
// "device_name": "Office Lock",
// "keypad_battery_critical": false
// }
// }
Copy var device = seam . Devices .Get(deviceId : "ed4bb795-f29f-43e5-bc0f-35f69f9141b5" );
Console .WriteLine( "Device ID: " + device . DeviceId );
Console .WriteLine( "Type: " + device . DeviceType );
Console .WriteLine( "Capabilities supported:" );
foreach ( var capability in device . CapabilitiesSupported )
Console .WriteLine(capability);
Console .WriteLine( "Supported code lengths:" );
if ( device . Properties . SupportedCodeLengths is not null )
foreach ( var supportedCodeLength in device . Properties . SupportedCodeLengths )
Console .WriteLine(supportedCodeLength);
Console .WriteLine( "Code constraints:" );
if ( device . Properties . CodeConstraints is not null )
foreach ( var codeConstraint in device . Properties . CodeConstraints )
Console .WriteLine(codeConstraint);
Console .WriteLine( "Supports backup access code pool: " + device . Properties . SupportsBackupAccessCodePool );
Copy Device ID: ed4bb795-f29f-43e5-bc0f-35f69f9141b5
Type: NukiLock
Capabilities supported:
Supported code lengths:
Code constraints:
"constraint_type": "cannot_start_with_12"
"constraint_type": "no_zeros"
"constraint_type": "name_length",
"max_length": 20
Supports backup access code pool: True
Copy Device lock = seam . locks ()
. get ( LocksGetRequest . builder ()
. deviceId ( "ed4bb795-f29f-43e5-bc0f-35f69f9141b5" )
. build ());
System . out . println (lock);
Copy {
"device_id" : "ed4bb795-f29f-43e5-bc0f-35f69f9141b5" ,
"device_type" : "nuki_lock" ,
"capabilities_supported" : [ "access_code" , "lock" ] ,
"properties" : {
"online" : true ,
"name" : "Office Lock" ,
"model" : {
"display_name" : "Lock" ,
"manufacturer_display_name" : "Nuki"
} ,
"battery_level" : 0.86 ,
"image_url" : "" ,
"keypad_battery" : {
"level" : 1
} ,
"battery" : {
"level" : 0.86 ,
"status" : "full"
} ,
"code_constraints" : [ {
"constraint_type" : "cannot_start_with_12"
} , {
"constraint_type" : "no_zeros"
} , {
"constraint_type" : "name_length" ,
"max_length" : 20
} ] ,
"has_native_entry_events" : true ,
"image_alt_text" : "Nuki Smart Lock 3.0 Pro Black, Front" ,
"manufacturer" : "nuki" ,
"nuki_metadata" : {
"device_id" : "3" ,
"device_name" : "Office Lock" ,
"keypad_battery_critical" : false
} ,
"supported_code_lengths" : [ 6 ] ,
"locked" : false ,
"supports_offline_access_codes" : false ,
"supports_backup_access_code_pool" : true
} ,
"connected_account_id" : "cac74c00-443b-440f-820e-e2907277fd9f" ,
"workspace_id" : "398d80b7-3f96-47c2-b85a-6f8ba21d07be" ,
"created_at" : "2023-10-19T04:43:40.852Z" ,
"is_managed" : true
Supported Code Lengths
This property is denoted as supported_code_lengths
and contains an array of numbers. These numbers represent the various lengths (in terms of digits) allowed for a PIN code. For example, if the array contains [4, 6]
, it means the door lock can accept 4-digit or 6-digit PIN codes.
Example Payload:
Copy "supported_code_lengths" : [
4 ,
5 ,
6 ,
7 ,
Maximum Set Codes
The property max_active_codes_supported
indicates the total number of codes that can be simultaneously set on a door lock. For the door locks that accommodate native scheduling , this count will includes future scheduled codes that are set on the lock.
Example Payload:
Copy "max_active_codes_supported" : 250
PIN Code Constraints
The code_constraints
property gives insight into various conditions or limitations that apply to PIN codes. Each constraint in the code_constraints
array is an object with at least the constraint_type
Example Payload:
Copy "code_constraints" : [
"constraint_type" : "no_zeros"
} ,
"constraint_type" : "name_length" ,
"min_length" : 1 ,
"max_length" : 12
The constraint_type
property can be one of the following:
Constraint Type
s cannot be used as digits in the pin code.
The pin code cannot start with the sequence of digits 12
No more than 3 digits in a row can be consecutive or the same in the pin code.
A pin code cannot be specified - it has to be left empty and one will be generated by the lock provider.
If a pin code is specified, it must match an existing set of pin codes used in the account (for example, pin code matches the code assigned to a user in the system).
For time-bound codes, the start date has to be in the future.
The name of the code has some restrictions on length. When the constraint_type
is name_length
, the constraint object has one or two additional properties called min_length
and max_length
to specify the length constraints.
Last updated 2 months ago