Devices that will send alerts when noise levels exceed a threshold.
Manage Noise Thresholds
List Noise Thresholds
This endpoint allows to to generate a list of currently available noise thresholds for a specific device. For example, to generate the list of thresholds for a device with the id, 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000, you would make the following call:
Here, we can see the device has two thresholds- one during the night and one during the day.
Create Noise Thresholds
For a more in-depth guide to threshold creation, check out our guide here.
If your device has no default thresholds, or you wish to create custom ones, you can create a noise threshold with the Create Noise Threshold endpoint. For example, you can create an endpoint like this:
You can change the thresholds you’ve already created. For example, if we wanted to change the builtin_quiet_hours threshold we saw above, we can do something like this: