Noise Sensors

Devices that send alerts when noise levels exceed a threshold.

Manage Noise Thresholds

List Noise Thresholds

This endpoint enables you to generate a list of currently available noise thresholds for a specific device. For example, to generate the list of thresholds for a device with the id, 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000, you would make the following call:


Then, you would receive a response like this:

  "noise_thresholds": [
      "noise_threshold_id": "792263f8-1660-4cf9-a6c6-054d23b78d86",
      "device_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
      "name": "builtin_quiet_hours",
      "noise_threshold_decibels": 70,
      "starts_daily_at": "22:00:00[America/Los_Angeles]",
      "ends_daily_at": "06:00:00[America/Los_Angeles]"
      "noise_threshold_id": "678ccd98-7036-402f-a42c-e66f55575566",
      "device_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
      "name": "builtin_normal_hours",
      "noise_threshold_decibels": 75,
      "starts_daily_at": "06:00:00[America/Los_Angeles]",
      "ends_daily_at": "22:00:00[America/Los_Angeles]"

Here, we can see the device has two thresholds- one during the night and one during the day.

Create Noise Thresholds

For a more in-depth guide to threshold creation, check out our guide here.

If your device has no default thresholds, or you wish to create custom ones, you can create a noise threshold with the Create Noise Threshold endpoint. For example, you can create an endpoint like this:


This creates a threshold creates a noise threshold of 70 decibels from 20:00-06:00 PST called builtin_quiet_hours, and will return this JSON response:

  "action_attempt": {
    "status": "pending",
    "action_type": "CREATE_NOISE_THRESHOLD",
    "action_attempt_id": "c10e3db5-a5a2-47f2-a76f-48379ed9cd22",
    "result": null,
    "error": null
  "ok": true

Update Noise Thresholds

You can change the thresholds you’ve already created. For example, if we wanted to change the builtin_quiet_hours threshold we saw above, we can do something like this:


This increases the noise threshold from 70 to 75 decibels. The above returns the edited threshold:

   "noise_threshold_id": "792263f8-1660-4cf9-a6c6-054d23b78d86",
   "device_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
   "name": "builtin_quiet_hours",
   "noise_threshold_decibels": 75,
   "starts_daily_at": "22:00:00[America/Los_Angeles]",
   "ends_daily_at": "06:00:00[America/Los_Angeles]",

Delete Noise Thresholds

Finally, you can delete a threshold. You’ll need to know the device and threshold id to delete the threshold. For example:


This permanently deletes the built_in_normal threshold from the device. You’ll see something like this as a return:

  "action_attempt": {
    "status": "pending",
    "action_type": "DELETE_NOISE_THRESHOLD",
    "action_attempt_id": "c10e3db5-a5a2-47f2-a76f-48379ed9cd22",
    "result": null,
    "error": null
  "ok": true



The noise detected from a noise sensor exceeded a predefined threshold or duration.

noise_threshold_id string

ID (uuid) of the noise threshold that was triggered.

noise_threshold_name string

Name of the noise threshold that was triggered, for example, builtin_first_disturbance.

Next Steps

For more details on each endpoint, see our API references:

Last updated

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