Step 5: Set up Door Locks
Learn how to set up door locks when developing your Visionline plastic card encoding integration.
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Learn how to set up door locks when developing your Visionline plastic card encoding integration.
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In the Visionline application, set up all door locks for your Visionline plastic card encoding integration.
Use the Visionline application to define guest room and common door locks. First, set up the desired door areas, such as Guest Doors
and Common Doors
. Then, define each door and assign it to the appropriate door area. When you define a door or set of doors, you also choose a door type, to determine the access behavior of the door. Visionline door types include guest, guest entrance, guest common, elevator reader, elevator reader relay, and so on.
Note that for common doors, guest entrance doors and elevator reader relays automatically give access to guests within a specific guest door range, such as common entrances. Then, you assign elevator reader relays to the corresponding elevator reader.
For guest common doors, you must grant guest access manually, such as for a gym door or parking entrance.
These instructions use Visionline 1.27. If you are using Visionline 1.28, you may notice differences in a few field names.
When defining guest room doors, first create a door area and then create a door of the Guest door type.
Log in to the Visionline application.
Set up a door area for guest rooms.
At the bottom of the left navigation pane, click Lists.
In the System setup section of the left navigation pane, double-click Door areas.
In the Door areas window, click Add.
In the Door area details dialog, type a name and, optionally, a description for the new door area.
For example, you could create a door area named Guest Doors
Click Save.
To add more door areas, click New and then repeat this process in the Door area details dialog.
When you are done adding door areas, in the Door area details dialog, click Close.
In the Door areas window, click Close.
Define each set of guest room doors.
At the bottom of the left navigation pane, click Lists.
In the System setup section of the left navigation pane, double-click Doors.
In the Doors window, click Add.
In the Door details window, select Guest as the door Type.
In the Number field, type the door range.
For example: 101-109
In the Area field, select the guest door area that you created. For example: Guest Doors
Click Save.
To add more door sets, click New and then repeat this process in the Door details window.
When you are done adding door sets, in the Door details window, click Close.
In the Doors window, click Close.
When defining common doors, make sure to choose the appropriate door type. Visionline door types include the following, among others:
Guest entrance
Specify a set of guest doors to give automatic access to guests within this range. You can use this door type for common entrances.
Guest common
You must grant access to doors of this type explicitly to specific guest credentials. You can use this door type for gym doors, parking entrances, and so on.
Elevator reader relay
This door type represents a floor button or relay within an elevator. Specify a set of guest doors to give automatic access to guests within this range. Assign each elevator reader relay to the corresponding "slot" in an elevator reader definition.
Elevator reader
The door type serves as an organization mechanism for sets of elevator reader relays.
For more information about door types, see the Visionline Help.
To define a common door, first create a door area and then create a door of the appropriate type.
Log in to the Visionline application if you are not already logged in.
Set up a door area for the group of common doors.
At the bottom of the left navigation pane, click Lists.
In the System setup section of the left navigation pane, double-click Door areas.
In the Door areas window, click Add.
In the Door area details dialog, type a name and, optionally, a description for the new door area.
For example, you could create a door area named Common Doors
Click Save.
To add more door areas, click New and then repeat this process in the Door area details dialog.
When you are done adding door areas, in the Door area details dialog, click Close.
In the Door areas window, click Close.
Define each common door.
At the bottom of the left navigation pane, click Lists.
In the System setup section of the left navigation pane, double-click Doors.
In the Doors window, click Add.
In the Door details window, select the appropriate door Type. See the table at the beginning of this section for descriptions of some common door types.
Type a Name for the door, reader, relay, or other entrance.
For a guest entrance door or elevator reader relay, type the beginning and ending room numbers to define the associated Room interval. Note that for guest common entrances, you set up access permissions explicitly when creating guest or other credentials.
In the Area field, select the common door area that you created. For example: Common Doors
For an elevator reader, set the relay outputs to define the access permissions by floor or other output:
In the Relay outputs table, select an output.
Click Select.
In the Select elevator reader relay dialog, select the corresponding elevator reader relay and then click OK.
Repeat this process for any additional relay outputs.
Click Save.
To add more common doors, click New and then repeat this process in the Door details window.
When you are done adding common doors, in the Door details window, click Close.
In the Doors window, click Close.