Delete a Device

Delete a device by ID

Delete a Device

Deleting a device triggers a device.deleted event and removes the device and all data associated with the device from Seam, including events, access codes, and so on. For every deleted resource, Seam sends a corresponding deleted event, but the resource is not deleted from the provider.

For example, if you delete a device with an access code, Seam sends both a device.deleted event and an access_code.deleted event, but Seam does not remove the access code from the device.

Deleting a device prevents that device from appearing again in your workspace. The only way to recover a deleted device is to delete the entire connected account.

Seam recommends unmanaging a device instead of deleting it.

Delete a device


Delete a single device from your workspace using a device_id

Query Parameters




Device id

  "ok": true

Code Example


Last updated


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