Lockly Locks

Guide for using Lockly smart locks with Seam


Seam integrates with Lockly smart locks. With a focus on security, Lockly smart locks work with a vast array of door types, such as traditional deadbolts, latch bolts, and patio doors. In addition, Lockly smart locks support time-bound and one-time-use offline access codes that you can issue when you are not connected to your Lockly lock.

Supported Devices

This integration supports all Lockly smart locks. Note that you must also install the Secure Link Wi-Fi Hub to connect these locks to the internet.

We support the following features:

Device Provider Key

To create a Connect Webview that enables your users to connect their Lockly devices to Seam, include the lockly device provider key in the accepted_providers list. For more information, see Customize the Brands to Display in Your Connect Webview.

Setup Instructions

To control Lockly devices using Seam, you must prompt owners of these devices to perform the following steps:

  1. Download and create an account for the Lockly mobile app if you have not done so already.

  2. In the Lockly mobile app, set up each of your Lockly locks as follows:

    1. Click the card for the lock.

    2. In the lower, right corner, click Settings.

    3. Click Sync with LocklyOS, and then enable Sync with LocklyOS.

  3. In a web browser, navigate to the Lockly Access Portal (LAP) and log in with your Lockly mobile app credentials.

  4. Purchase a Lockly plan that suits your needs.

  5. Email support@lockly.com to enable API access for your LAP account.

  6. In the left-hand navigation pane of the Lockly Access Portal, click Account > User Management.

  7. Click Add Account.

  8. Specify the following values to configure the new user account:

    1. In the Credential Type field, select Access Key - Programmatic access.

    2. In the User Name field, type a descriptive name, such as Seam Integration.

    3. In the Property field, select all the properties to which you want the Seam application to have access.

    4. In the Role field, select Property And Room (Read & Write), Doorlock (Read & Write), and API EBadge Admin.

    5. In the Validity Period field, select Permanent.

  9. Click Confirm. The Lockly Access Portal creates the new account and displays the following information:

  10. Note the client ID, access key ID, access key secret, token ID, and token secret.

Where to Order

Order Lockly locks directly from the Lockly website.

Last updated


© Seam Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.

Revision created on 8/25/2024