Creating Access Codes

Learn how to program an access code onto a smart lock with a keypad, and ensure the code is successfully set.


This guide explains how to create online access codes on an online smart lock. With the Access Codes API, generate PIN codes on a door lock and share it with visitors, allowing them keyless access.

Seam supports programming two types of online access codes for online door locks:

  1. Ongoing: Ideal for residents or long-term users. Ongoing codes remain active on a device until removed. Create one by leaving the end_at field empty. To remove the code, use the Delete Access Code endpoint.

  2. Time Bound: Suitable for temporary access like guest visits or service appointments. These codes operate between a designated starts_at and ends_at time window, granting access only during that period.

For more information about creating offline access codes, see Managing Offline Access Codes.

Before You Begin: Confirm Capabilities

Before you attempt to create an online or offline access code, be sure to confirm that your device has the capability to perform these operations. You can inspect the capabilities of a device by checking the following capability flags for the device:

  • device.can_program_online_access_codes

  • device.can_program_offline_access_codes

Use Get Device (or Get Lock) for a specific device to return these capability flags. Then, use an if statement or similar check to confirm that the relevant flag is both present and true before attempting to create an access code.

If either of these capability flags is false or not present, you can view the properties of the device, errors or warnings for the device, and events related to the device to learn more about the cause of these issues. For example, you could examine the following device properties:





In addition, you could look for a device.accessory_keypad_disconnected event.




  can_program_online_access_codes=True,  // You can create online access codes for this device.
  can_program_offline_access_codes=True, // You can create offline access codes for this device.

Programming an Ongoing Online Access Code

Ongoing online access codes are ideal for long-term users that wish to keep the same code. Ongoing codes remain active on a device until removed.

Timeline of an ongoing access code. The code remains active, until you use the Seam API to remove it.

1. Create an Ongoing Online Access Code

Set an ongoing online access code by providing the device_id of the smart lock on which you want to create an access code. Assign an optional name to the access code for easier identification within the Seam Console and smart lock app.

To customize the PIN code, specify a desired PIN for the code property. See Access Code Requirements for Door Locks to understand any requirements specific to the door lock.


# Get the device.
device = seam.devices.get(

# Confirm that the device supports online access codes.
if device.can_program_online_access_codes:
  # Create the ongoing online access code.
    device_id = device.device_id,
    name = "my ongoing code",
    code = "1234"


  name='my ongoing code',

2. Verify Successful Ongoing Code Programming

Seam may encounter some problems when setting an access code onto the lock. This could be due to weak internet connectivity, a low battery in the door lock, or someone unplugging the bridge that links the lock to the internet. Given these potential challenges, it's essential to verify that a code has been successfully programmed on to the lock to prevent unexpected complications later.

There are two methods to verify that an ongoing access code has been set on the device:

  • Polling: continuously query the access code until its status is updated

  • Webhook: wait for updates to arrive via webhook requests from the Seam API

Polling Method

Use the access_code reference returned by the create function to call the Get Access Code function. A basic implementation would involve polling this endpoint until the status of the access code updates to set.

If the status remains setting for a very long time, or if the access_code object contains any warnings or errors properties, consult the guide on "Troubleshooting Access Code Issues" for further guidance.

Illustration of the polling verification step for an ongoing access code

Webhook Events Method

To avoid polling, monitor for incoming Seam webhook events related to the code status:

  • The access_code.set_on_device event indicates the successful setting of the access code on the device.

  • The access_code.failed_to_set_on_device or access_code.delay_in_setting_on_device events indicate a delay or failure.

In the event of delay or failure, refer to the "Troubleshooting access code issues" guide for assistance and mitigation strategies.

Illustration of the webhook verification method for an ongoing access code

Scheduling Time-Bound Online Access Codes

Time-bound online access codes are suitable for temporary access, like guest visits or service appointments. These codes operate between designated starts_at and ends_at timestamps, granting access only during that period. Seam automatically ensures that the code is programmed on the device at the starts_at time and unprogrammed at the ends_at time.

Timeline of an time-bound access code. The code remains active until the ends_at timestamp that you configured using the Seam API.

1. Create a Time-Bound Online Access Code

To set a time-bound online access code, provide the device_id of the smart lock on which you want to program a code, along with starts_at and ends_at ISO 8601 timestamps to define the active time window for the code. For more details, see the Create Access Code endpoint.

As with ongoing codes, you can assign an optional name to the access code. A clear name helps users to identify the access code quickly within their smart lock app.

Similarly, to customize the PIN code, specify a desired PIN in the code property. See the Access Code Requirements for Door Locks to understand any requirements specific to the door lock brand.


# Get the device.
device = seam.locks.get(

# Confirm that the device supports online access codes.
if device.can_program_online_access_codes:
  # Create the time-bound online access code.
    device_id = device.device_id,
    name = "my time-bound code",
    starts_at = "2025-01-01T16:00:00Z",
    ends_at = "2025-01-22T12:00:00Z",
    code = "2345"


  name='my time-bound code',

2. Verify Successful Time-Bound Code Programming

The lifecycle of a time-bound access code is marked by distinct phases:

  1. Unset: When initially created on Seam, the access code remains in an unset state, indicating it has not yet been programmed onto the door lock due to its future activation time.

  2. Setting: As the scheduled starts_at time approaches, Seam initiates the process of programming the code onto the lock, transitioning the code's status to setting.

  3. Set: Upon successful programming, the status updates to set, signaling that the code is loaded onto the lock, and may grant the designated user the ability to unlock the door.

Life-cycle of a time-bound access code

On door locks that support natively scheduled access codes, Seam will preload the access code into the device's internal memory bank 72 hours ahead of the starts_at time. Even if preloaded in memory, the access code will remain in an unset state ahead of the starts_at time and await the precise activation moment to toggle its status. When the starts_at time arrives, the access code becomes active and transition to a set status, granting the designated user the ability to utilize it for entry. If there's an issue programming the natively-scheduled code by its starts_at time, the code's status will display as setting. For more information on the lifecycle of access codes, please refer to this guide.

There are two methods to verify that an time-bound access code has been set on the device:

  • Polling: continuously query the access code until its status is updated

  • Webhook: wait for updates to arrive via webhook requests from the Seam API

Polling Method

Use the access_code reference returned by the create function to call the Get Access Code function. In a basic implementation, you would poll this endpoint at the starts_at time to check if the access code's status is updated to set.

If the status remains setting, or if the access_code object displays any warnings or errors, refer to the "Troubleshooting Access Code Issues" guide for assistance.

Webhook Events Method

To avoid polling, monitor for incoming Seam webhook events related to the code status:

  • The access_code.set_on_device event indicates the successful setting of the access code on the device.

  • The access_code.failed_to_set_on_device or access_code.delay_in_setting_on_device events indicate a delay or failure.

In the event of delay or failure, refer to the "Troubleshooting access code issues" guide for assistance and mitigation strategies.

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© Seam Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.

Revision created on 8/25/2024