Mobile SDKs

Our mobile device helper libraries (also known as Mobile device SDKs) help you create native applications for Appleโ€™s and Androidโ€™s devices and platforms. These SDKs simplify integration with various mobile access providers and streamline your development process through a single unified interface. With a broad range of functionalities, they allow you to build a fully custom experience for your users. Further, these universal mobile SDKs are compatible with a wide variety of IoT devices and access systems.

Seam Android SDK

Seam iOS SDK

Key Features

  • Universal SDKs across IoT device and access system providers

  • User account and phone management

  • Device eligibility handling

  • Credential management and unlock handling

  • Offline support *

*Excludes calls to the web API. Your users must initially authenticate your application, which requires an internet connection.

Last updated


ยฉ Seam Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.

Revision created on 8/25/2024