Kwikset Locks

Guide for using Kwikset locks with Seam


Kwikset produces smart locks suitable for residential homes, rental properties, and vacation rentals. The Kwikset Halo and Halo Touch series offer Wi-Fi-enabled smart locks that connect directly to the existing Wi-Fi router for a property, eliminating the need for a separate smart home hub. On the other hand, the Kwikset SmartCode series provides multiple connectivity options, including Zigbee and Z-Wave. For SmartCode series locks, the Seam integration requires the use of a hub. The Seam integration enables the remote unlocking feature and the ability to set customizable access codes for the Kwikset Halo, Halo Touch, and SmartCode series.

Supported Devices

This integration supports the Kwikset Halo, Halo Touch, and SmartCode lines of smart locks.

We support the following features:

Seam does not support unmanaged access codes for Kwikset.

Device Provider Key

To create a Connect Webview that enables your users to connect their Kwikset devices to Seam, include the kwikset device provider key in the accepted_providers list. For more information, see Customize the Brands to Display in Your Connect Webview.

Setup Instructions

To control Kwikset devices using Seam, you must prompt owners of these devices to perform the following steps:

Setup Instructions for Halo and Halo Touch Locks

  1. Create an account in the Kwikset App if you have not done so already.

  2. In the Kwikset App, add your Kwikset devices.

  3. In the Kwikset App, click on the top left menu button, navigate to Account Settings and disable 2-Step Verification.

    Disable 2-Step Verification before connecting your Kwikset account to Seam.
    Disable 2-Step Verification before connecting your Kwikset account to Seam.

You must disable 2-Step Verification—that is, multifactor authentication (MFA)—before connecting your Kwikset account to Seam using the Seam Connect Webview.

Enabling MFA in the Kwikset App can block the Seam login process from performing successful authorization using your Kwikset account. After you connect your Kwikset account to Seam, you can reenable 2-Step Verification in the Kwikset App Account Settings.

  1. Note your login credentials for the Kwikset App, and use these credentials to log in to the Seam Connect Webview to add your devices to Seam.

Brand-Specific Restrictions

In the Kwikset app, you cannot see access codes that were set from an external source (such as Seam) unless you are connected through Bluetooth to the lock. If you're connected through Wi-Fi and not Bluetooth, the Kwikset app only shows the access codes that you have set from the app itself and not the codes set from Seam.

Brand-Specific Access Code Constraints

Kwikset locks place the following constraints on access code attributes:

  • Access code name must contain 2-14 characters.

    You can create a Seam access code for Kwikset with a name longer than 14 characters. The full name is stored in Seam, but on the Kwikset device, the name is truncated to 14 characters.

  • PIN code length must be 4-8 digits.

  • A timebound code requires both a starts_at timestamp and an ends_at timestamp.

  • A timebound code's starts_at timestamp must be greater than the current time. For best results, set starts_at at least 15 minutes ahead of the current time.

Brand-Specific Events

Seam supports the following events and event property values for Kwikset devices:

Kwikset Auto-Lock

Kwikset devices have an auto-lock feature that automatically locks the device after a configurable period of time, for example, 30 seconds. The Seam API reports these auto-lock occurrences by emitting a lock.locked event with automatic as the value for the method property.

Kwikset Access Denied Event

The Seam API emits a lock.access_denied event when an incorrect access code is entered three times in a row on a Kwikset device. The Kwikset device also emits warning beeps for approximately 15 seconds, and the keypad is locked during this time. The keypad remains locked for one minute after the warning beeps end.

Where to Order

Order Kwikset locks from Amazon.

Last updated


© Seam Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.

Revision created on 8/25/2024