Online Access Code Requirements and Behaviors

Learn about dormakaba Oracode-specific requirements and behaviors for online access codes.

PIN Code Rotation

When programming permanent codes on Oracode locks, these PIN codes are rotated every 30 days. When the code changes, Seam issues an access_code.changed event with the new PIN code. For details about this event, see Event Types.

For more information about using online access codes, see Managing Access Codes.

Time Zones

All time zone configuration and display for dormakaba Oracode locks occur in the local time zone of the lock, itself. Consequently, when you configure an access code for a dormakaba Oracode lock, you must set the starting and ending times to match the relative local time zone of the lock. Note that the starts_at and ends_at properties use a time zone offset, rather than a time zone. Further, we recommend specifying all times as UTC times. In this case, the UTC time that you specify must be equivalent to the desired local time of the device.

To view the local time zone of a dormakaba Oracode lock, get the lock and see the check_in_time and check_out_time within each time slot in the property for the device. You can also see the local time zone for a dormakaba Oracode lock in the dormakaba_oracode_device_metadata.iana_timezone property.

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Revision created on 8/25/2024